Saturday, December 24, 2011

Morocco Countryside

Moroccan Tea or Mint tea isn't just a drink in Morocco. It is a sign of hospitality and friendship and tradition. Because this drink is so popular, it is served all day long, after every meal and with every conversation. Argan Oil is an oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree, endemic to Morocco, that is valued for its nutritive, cosmetic and numerous medicinal properties. The Atlas Mountains is a mountain range across a northern stretch of Africa extending about 2500 km (1500 miles) through Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. The highest peak is the Toubkal mountain, with an elevation of 4167 metres (13671 ft) in southwestern Morocco. Ait BenHaddou is a town in Southern Morocco, about four hours drive from Marrakech and close to Ouarzazate. It's typical of a type of construction that is traditional to the Maghreb. The buildings lie in a strategic position against a mountain. They have angle towers and are surrounded by steep defensive walls.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Traditional Medicinals Herb Tea Pau D'Arco 16 bag ( Value Bulk Multi-pack)

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Rate : | Price : $331.97 | Post Date : Dec 19, 2011 15:16:08
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

72 units of Traditional Medicinals Herb Tea Pau D'Arco 16 bag. Pau d'Arco has been used by shaman in Brazil for at least a thousand years. Its use gradually spread to other parts of South America and beyond. Kallawaya tribal healers of Bolivia and Brazil call this bark tea tajibo. In Peru a tea made from the inner bark, known as tarota, is used by tribal healers of the Asháninka, campas and Inca tribes. Pau d'Arco tea is also used traditionally by the Huastec Mayan people of Mexico. Modern researchers have largely focused on isolated constituents of Pau d'Arco, particularly its naphthoquinones including lapachol and anthraquinones including tabebuin, though the combined action of all of its constituents in simple dosage forms like hot tea have proven superior to the actions of any isolated chemicals. See all Product Description

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Friday, December 9, 2011

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Does Green Tea Offer the Prescription for Beating Cancer?

!±8± Does Green Tea Offer the Prescription for Beating Cancer?

With early detection, cancer is no longer an automatic death sentence. However, an initial diagnosis still brings with it a host of questions: What is the best course of treatment? Are conventional approaches best? Or are non-traditional therapies preferable--particularly if the cancer does not seem to respond to chemotherapy and radiation.

In recent years, a great deal of emphasis has been placed on unconventional therapies for cancer. For instance, in an article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Elizabeth Kaegi of the Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative discussed the fact that cancer patients are trying a number of intriguing therapies, including Essiac, Iscador, hydrazine sulfate, vitamins A, C, and E, and 714-X. But perhaps one of the most popular therapies that has been tried is green tea. In fact, go to your local convenience store and you may find jug after jug of green tea in assorted flavors. Still, you may be wondering what makes green tea so special--and if it really can help to combat cancer.

Green Tea--The Basics

Green tea is produced by steaming or frying the leaves of the shrub known as Camellia sinensis. The leaves, which are not fermented, are then dried. For 5,000 years, families in China and Japan have hailed green tea as a valuable stimulant and an effective remedy for stomach ailments. You can even purchase green tea in capsule form now, although the actual medicinal benefits from such capsules have yet to be established.

Dried tea leaves are far more complex than you might think. Specifically, they are made up of phytochemicals, plant alkaloids, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, phenolic acids, and minerals. Of course, the exact composition of the leaves varies, depending on when the leaves are harvested and how they are processed. You should also be aware of the fact that the composition of green tea varies from that of black tea, since black tea has fewer polyphenols because of the fermentation process.

Side Effects

Green tea can contain anywhere from 10 to 80 milligrams of caffeine--the actual amount depends on how it has been produced and stored. Since caffeine is a known stimulant, green tea may lead to a racing heart rate and insomnia. As a result, heart patients, pregnant women, and nursing mothers should ideally drink no more than two cups of green tea a day.

Cancer Prevention

Numerous scientific studies have explored the use of green tea as a cancer preventative. According to Kaegi, digestive cancers appear to be particularly responsive to green tea. In fact, such tea appears to somewhat decrease the risk of experiencing cancer of the digestive tract. Given the fact that such conclusions are the result of a number of epidemiological studies, it appears that the idea that green tea can prevent cancer has some merit.

News from the Lab

But what about treating cancer? Can green tea be as effective in treatment as it is in prevention? There has been some limited lab work investigating the possibility that green tea can be used as an alternative form of cancer treatment. However, at this point, there have only been a few animal studies and no human studies. The results of these studies are, at this point, inconclusive.

Yet, it should be noted that one study showed that, if extracts of green tea are applied to mouse skin, it appears to stop the development of skin cancer when known carcinogens have been applied to the skin. Other research indicates that green tea can stop the growth of tumors or decrease the number of tumors in animals that have been exposed to cancer-causing agents.

In some animals, green tea and tea extracts prevented cancer cells from metastasizing. There are also indications that green tea extracts can prevent chromosomal abnormalities that can lead to cancer, as well as reduce the size of breast and prostate tumors.

The Magic of EGCG

Green tea contains an antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG. This substance appears to inhibit enzymes which are responsible for cell replication, stop the adhesion of cells, and disrupt the communication pathways which enable cell division to occur. However, EGCG seems to be most critically important as an antioxidant.

Final Conclusions

Researchers believe that there is evidence to suggest that green tea can be used to treat cancer. However, scientists add that additional research is absolutely essential in order to determine the full range of treatment that green tea might provide. For instance, researchers must determine which cancers are most likely to be abated through the use of green tea or green tea extracts.

Since there is also evidence to indicate that green tea can prevent cancer as well, drinking green tea is not only safe--it's also highly recommended by some medical experts. Therefore, green tea may not just be a thirst-quencher--it may also be a key ingredient of a healthy diet.

Does Green Tea Offer the Prescription for Beating Cancer?

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Humulus Lupulus Hop bottle Hops (Humulus lupulus) is a plant with a stout root, heart-shaped leaves and cone-like flowers. Romans ate the young shoots in the spring in the same way we do asparagus. Hops was first used by breweries in the Netherlands in the early fourteenth century. Hops has been used traditionally for nervous disorders. The therapeutic use of hops in Europe dates back to at least the ninth century. Before that it was used in making beers and breads, and also as a salad vegetable (DeLyser and Kasper, 1994). In Germany, Hops is licensed as a standard medicinal tea, and about 70 prepared sedative medicines contain hops extract. In Germany and the United States, Hops infusions, tinctures, and dry extracts are used in sedative preparations for anxiety and unrest (Leung and Foster, 1996; Wichtl and Bisset, 1994). Product 10 ml Effects Hops can be used for for mood disturbances such as restlessness and anxiety as well as sleep disturbances. The British Herbal Compendium indicated its use for excitability, restlessness, disorders of sleep, and lack of appetite (Bradley, 1992). The German Standard License for Hops tea infusion indicates its use for disturbed states such as restlessness and disorders of sleep (Braun et al., 1997). Usage Take one drop about an hour before the desired effect. The dosage may be increased and combined with other calming herbs such as Valerian and/or Passionflower. Ingredients Oleoresin Lupulinae (liquid resin - CO2 extract)

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Traditional Medicinals Herb Tea Organic Golden Green 16 bag ( Value Bulk Multi-pack)

!±8±Traditional Medicinals Herb Tea Organic Golden Green 16 bag ( Value Bulk Multi-pack)

Rate :
Price : $108.98
Post Date : Nov 29, 2011 20:45:06
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Kosher. 100% organic.

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Health Benefits of Angelica

!±8± Health Benefits of Angelica

Angelica is not only an herb that offers medicinal benefits, it one that has many tales that surround the magical qualities of its healing powers. There some say that the plant can tower to over 8 feet high and only blooms upon the 8th of May which is the feast day of St. Michael. Yet others believe that wearing a weaved necklace of the plant would ward of any evil spirits. During the great plague in 1665 a monk supposedly met an angel in a dream who told him that the juice of the herb angelica would cure the disease. And the tales go on and on.

Angelica grows in the wild swampy areas in North America. It is most widely seen from Minnesota to Newfoundland.

While the magical myths of the plant are far stretched the properties of healing in the plant are not. They are very real. The medicinal use of the herb in today's word centers around digestive and bronchial problems. The root and seeds of the plant are used to treat indigestion, gastritis, inflammation of the intestines and gas.

The leaves steeped in tea are also used for digestive help. An infusion of the leaves and roots together are used to treat bronchial costs as the root has an expectorant property to it. The root and leaves combined in a tea are used to relieve insomnia, nervous headaches, fevers, rheumatism and tooth aches. A word of caution, it is also known that the herb will induce miscarriages in pregnant women. This herb should be avoided completely if you are expecting. It was said at one time that a glass of wine with a dash of angelica worked better than a cold shower to cool off the passionate desires.

In general this herb is considered safe for others however some say that angelica is much like coffee and shows evidence of carcinogenicity. The FDA considers it a safe herb to be used. There is another issue with this plant. In the wild the angelica plant looks nearly identically with water hemlock. They grow in the same habitat as well. The difference is that water hemlock is poisonous. If you are not an experienced herbalist this is not the herb to begin collecting in the wild.

Health Benefits of Angelica

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Chinese Medicinal Flowers 花, 药草花园Asian & European Herbs & Fruits'花园Video 6

Chinese Medicinal Flowers 花,Yaocao 药草花园天天好天Asian and European Herbs Yaocao 药草, Flowers 花and 水果Fruits' 花园Garden .Singapore 2011 August 9.Video 5 Herbs, natural herbal garden with nature fresh air and right therapies like acupuncture do work and many people have been healed by them. Scenic view took just before sun set. Nature Cure. All over the world, lots of rare illness are heard and some unconventional cures do happen and are followed and perhaps heard off in search of legendary medical genius and excellent herbs, flowers and fruits. Some Good Grandmother's Remedies and Old Fashioned Cures discovered more than 2000 years ago.. Some common best herbs and nature remedies are raw honey (treating wound management), cinnamon, lavender, camomile, eucalyptus, pine needle, rosemary, juniper, hayseed, pine, peppermint, camphor, menthol, extract of rheum, reshen ginseng, 花旗蔘片, jasmine,nutmeg, cordyceps, impatiaus (impatiens), Polygonum Multiflorum:Shou Wu Piah 何首乌片, Chinese White Fungus ( Bai Mu Er) 白木耳, Yu Zhu Piah 玉竹片, Mi Zao 蜜枣, Bai He 百合, Dang Shen 党参,Bei Xing 北杏仁,Yuan Rou 元肉, 干野生人参根, Cinacanthus (Clinacanthus ) Sabah Snake Grass Yu Xun Cao, 优遁草, 沙巴蛇草, Dioscorea Opposita Huai Shan Yao 淮山药, Ligusticum Chuan Xiong 川芎, Gan Cao 甘草, Angelica Sinsensis Dang Gui 当归, Ping Piah 平片, Qian Shi 芡实, Ling Zhi 灵芝, Wu Hua Guo 无花果, Bei Xing 北杏仁, Chuan Bei Mu 川贝母, Eucommia Ulmoides Duzhong 杜仲, Real Chamois Horn Ling ...

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

BAR Project on ADLAI Part I

Adlai is a promising crop due to its potential as food and feed source. It can be cooked as rice, maja blanca, sinukmani, and other rice-based kakanin with Adlai as substitute for rice. It has a pleasant mild flavor making it a good ingredient in soups and broths. The grain can be ground into flour and used to make breads, pastas, and porridge. The pounded kernel is also made into a sweet dish by frying and coating with sugar. It can also be husked and eaten as it is just like peanuts. A tea can be made from the parched seeds while beers and wines are made from its fermented grains. Coffee or tea is made from the roasted seed while the leaves can be used as fodder for cattle and other small ruminants. Medicinal Benefits ²It is reported to have health benefits in revitalizing the blood and nervous system; ²It is used as source of body-enhancing materials; ²In China, it is one the most popular foods used in the therapy of painful and stiff joints; ²The fruits are used in folk (traditional) remedies for abdominal tumors, oesophageal, gastrointestinal, and lung cancers, various tumors, as well as skin diseases like excrescences, warts, and whitlows; ²The fruits are anodyne (pain killer), anti-inflammatory, antipyretic (reducing fever), antiseptic (control infection), antispasmodic (control muscle spasm), hypoglycaemic (low sugar), hypotensive (low blood pressure), sedative (tranquilizing drug) and vermifuge (medication to get rid of worms); ²The fruits are used in folk ...

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Part 02 - Moby Dick by Herman Melville (Chs 010-025)

Part 2. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Stewart Wills. Playlist for Moby Dick by Herman Melville:

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chinese Green Tea Benefits

!±8± Chinese Green Tea Benefits

Chinese green tea benefits are numerous - most are health-related but some are cultural, especially in China, the home of green tea.
Here, people drink green tea during meals to improve digestion and dissolve oil or fat in the food, and throughout the day as a
refreshing beverage. Green tea is also offered to visitors to welcome them into the home or workplace, and it's a common ingredient in many
traditional health remedies. Listed below are some Chinese green tea benefits, as well as common green tea uses, and tips on how to
make a cup of green tea.

Chinese Green Tea Benefits

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, these are some important green tea medical benefits:

Stops thirst Stimulates appetite Improves digestion Diuretic Clears heat from your body Removes phlegm Reduces fat Reduces high cholesterol
Green Tea Uses

While there are numerous Chinese green tea benefits, there are also many traditional green tea uses, not just as a drink, but as a
skin wash, a mouthwash, and as an ingredient in folk remedies.

Green tea mouthwash: Trying to find green tea mouthwash to buy? The traditional way is to simply place 1-3 grams of
loose green tea leaves in a cup and add hot water. When it cools, use the tea to rinse your mouth. Repeat as often as you like.
Green tea cleans your teeth and prevents tooth decay and problems like gingivitis.

Green tea cleansing skin care wash: Another of the traditional green tea uses - to cleanse and cool your face and body
skin. It's also used in cases of swelling, inflammation and itching, e.g. from insect bites and sunburn. Steep 6 grams of loose or
whole green tea leaves in a bowl of hot water. When cool, apply the leaves directly to the skin or use the tea water to wash the skin.

Green tea and weight control: It is generally believed in China that you can drink green tea to lose weight. For this
reason it is not uncommon for thin people to be advised not to drink too much tea. Pu Er Tea from Yunnan
province in China is reknowned for its ability to benefit digestion, reduce fat and treat obesity. Steep 6 grams of the tea in a cup of
hot water for 10 minutes. Drink throughout the day by topping up the cup with fresh, hot water as required. Cover the cup when not
in use.

Green tea infusions: As mentioned, green tea is also a common ingredient in traditional Chinese medicinal teas, for

1. Green tea and honey - constipation remedy. 2. Green tea, garlic and natural brown sugar - to kill germs and resolve toxins. 3. Green tea, chrysanthemum flowers and honey - for headache, dizziness and sore eyes.
Caffeine Content in Green Tea

The caffeine content in green tea depends on the type of tea, brewing time in the cup or pot, and what part of the plant the leaf is
from. One cup of green tea may contain 20-40mg of caffeine - a cup of coffee may contain
100mg or more. Unless you have a medical condition or are taking medication requiring you to limit your caffeine intake, you
shouldn't be too concerned about the caffeine content in green tea. What you should do is replace coffee (which does far
more harm than good) with 3-5cups a day of green tea - there are so many Chinese green tea benefits you're really missing out if
you don't drink it.

How to make green tea (cup)

Boil water (use as pure a water as possible and a non-plastic kettle) then let it cool for a few minutes. Place desired amount of whole green tea leaves in the cup & add a small amount of hot water. Swish the water around to wash the tea leaves, then tip it out. Top up the cup with hot water & let steep for 2-3 minutes before drinking. Re-use the leaves up to 3 times throughout the day by topping up the cup with fresh, hot water each time. Cover the cup when not in use.

With the interest in Chinese green tea benefits increasing in Western countries, more studies are being conducted to verify the
traditional claims from China. Chinese people don't need scientific proof of the benefits of green tea though - they've been
consuming it for at least 2 thousand years, so they already know it's good for you.

Chinese Green Tea Benefits

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Juice Feast day 1 (2/10/10)

Day 1 Similar to the protocol of the Master Cleanse I will make a cup of herbal laxative tea each night (I had a cup last night). You want a product that has senna leaf in it. I use Traditional Medicinals, Smooth Move. I also am going to do the Salt Water Flush for at least a few days first thing in the morning about 1-1.5 hrs before having my first juice. The SWF is a very specific ratio of water to dissolved sea salt. 32oz. water + 2 Teaspoons salt. If your proportions are off your body might just absorb the salt and that would be really gross. This will pass quickly through your digestive track - flushing out yellow colored stomach bile and waste left in your intestines. (Nice, I know... sorry if that was TMI). I am taking this juice feast 1 day at a time. I will most likely continue the lax. tea throughout, stop the SWF in this first week and start doing enemas and if I can budget it in I may get a colonic or two. So much depends on how long I go for. Regarding daily eliminations and colon cleansing: I sincerely believe that this level of "personal hygiene" while cleansing makes the process much more comfortable by reducing detox symptoms that will inevitable manifest. Regarding my thyroid meds: My prescription dosage was lowered and as of 3 days ago, I am now taking 88 mcg's of Levothroid. That is a testament to the power of Green Juice & Smoothies. Now I HAVE to take this while on this cleanse which is not ideal. So, this means I have to get up an extra hour early ...

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Native Voices Exhibit - Opens Oct 2011

Native Voices: Native Peoples' Concepts of Health and Illness explores the interconnectedness of wellness, illness, and cultural life for Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians. Visitors will discover how Native concepts of health and illness are closely tied to the concepts of community, spirit, and the land. Learn more about the exhibit here:

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